Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Report: AG's office also investigating IBEW's John Dougherty

With all the attention surrounding the Friday FBI/IRS raid of John Dougherty’s home, business, sister and political ally it can be easier to forget that this isn’t his first brush with the law this year.

In February, Dougherty was involved in a physical altercation that allegedly included him punching a man in the face. Philly DA Seth Williams passed the case on to the Attorney General’s office, where it has sat ever since.

According to Craig R. McCoy, Mark Fazlollah and Dylan Purcell of the Inquirer, however, that investigation has widened.

Now the AG’s office is looking into multiple cases of supposed intimidation by labor officials from Dougherty’s IBEW 98.

Dougherty’s former and once-again spokesman Frank Keel denied any such incidents.
“Any allegations that the union engaged in threats or intimidation are utter fabrications,” Keel stated.

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