Wednesday, November 20, 2013

PA transportation bill passes House in stunning turnaround

In a surprising about-face, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed a $2.4 billion transportation funding bill 104-95. Just a day earlier, the measure failed.

It has major cash infusions for roads, bridges and public transportation paid for with higher taxes on fuels and increases in motor vehicle license fees. The measure now goes to the PA Senate and could be on Corbett's desk later this week.

But PennLive highlights one potential caveat:

The House plan contains a key change that has not passed muster in the state Senate yet: a modest, albeit once-in-a-generation reform to Pennsylvania's prevailing wage statute. The bill raises the cost threshold at which the law's minimum wage requirements kick in for transportation construction projects from an outdated $25,000 at present, to $100,000 going forward.

For Gov. Tom Corbett, it represents the chance for a major legislative victory — something he desperately needs to help kick off his re-election campaign against a strong Democratic field.

"Today, the House of Representatives made a dramatic choice to invest in the future of Pennsylvania," said Corbett in a prepared statement. "In doing so, they have set the stage for the safety of our children and the economic prosperity of Pennsylvania."

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