Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Doylestown firm hired for environmental assessment of Brownfield sites

NORRISTOWN — Langan Engineering and Environmental Services Inc. of Doylestown was awarded a contract not to exceed $393,000 Tuesday night by Norristown council for Brownfield assessments of borough sites where hazardous substances and petroleum contamination require clean ups.
The funding from a $400,000, federal Community-Wide Brownfield Assessment grant will pay for identifying the existing Brownfield sites and develop liability management and remedial strategies for the redevelopment or reuse of the properties. The grant completion date is Sept. 30, 2015.
“We were fortunate to receive the $400,000 grant,” said Jayne Musonye, the Norristown Director of Planning. “We received 16 proposals. It took us a while to review the proposals. The Langan company has the most experience implementing these grants. The Planning Department and the economic development committee recommends approving the contract.”
Councilwoman Linda Christian asked whether Norristown had a large quantity of Brownfields.
Gregory Firely, the senior project scientist for Langan Engineering, said, “The sites may or may not have contamination.”
“We have identified five potential sites for each category and we expect to add five more for the Site 1 assessments,” Firely said. “You have the ability to start the process. We want to identify and inventory the sites.”
Councilman William Caldwell said the identification and investigation of sites would encourage potential developers to use those sites for future construction because Norristown had spent money on the initial investigation.
Source:  Times Herald

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