Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Leasing firm named for two planned Berks industrial sites

Artist rendering of proposed building at Berks 61. (Image courtesy of Brasler Properties)

A Camp Hill-based commercial real estate firm has been selected by a Philadelphia firm to manage the leasing of two industrial projects in Berks County.

Lee & Associates of Eastern Pennsylvania will handle the leasing for Berks 61 and Berks 222 for Brasler Properties. Both properties are in Muhlenberg Township.

Lee & Associates principal Brian Knowles and senior associate Andrew Komisor will lead the marketing effort.

Berks 61, at 4030 Pottsville Pike, is planned as a 270,000 square-foot light-industrial facility with 120 spaces for car parking, more than 50 trailer stalls and access to rail.

Berks 222, at the intersection of Business Route 222 & Huller Lane, has a conceptual design for two separate 180,000-square-foot buildings.

Knowles said all approvals are in place for both properties and the sites are “ready to go.”

Source: LVB

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