Friday, April 15, 2016

Judge constrains Verizon strikers

Only six spaced strikers at one time can picket outside the entrances to Verizon offices and they can't block company managers from doing their jobs, according to an injunction signed Thursday in the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia.

A union official said the injunction extends throughout Pennsylvania. "We came to an agreement on how we will conduct the picketing for the length of the strike," said Edward Mooney, CWA district vice president in Philadelphia.

Verizon spokesman Richard Young said that the strikers had been standing arm-in-arm. "We need to serve our customers and we can't do that if our managers can't get to work." Verizon also obtained an injunction in Delaware, Young said.

About 39,000 unionized Verizon workers went on strike early Wednesday morning after months of failed negotiations to reach a new contract. Strikers include those who are members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The unions and the company have not come to terms on job security and pension provisions in a new contract. There were no talks Thursday, and none scheduled, the union and the company said.


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