Monday, September 14, 2015

Emmaus buys Rodale properties for nearly $3M; plans municipal complex

The borough of Emmaus has closed on its purchase of three Rodale Inc. properties along Minor Street, including the publisher's former headquarters.

The borough paid $2.95 million in total for 33 E. Minor St., 10 E. Minor St. and 151 E. Minor St., all in Emmaus.

The former Rodale corporate headquarters at 33 E. Minor, which has been vacant for about three years, is a 58,376-square-foot office building on just more than five acres.

Rodale moved its headquarters to 400 S. 10th St. in Emmaus in 2012.

The other structure is a 1,260-square-foot house that was converted into an office on a 14,125-square-foot lot. There also is a 1.9-acre parking lot.

All of the land is adjacent to the Emmaus Public Works Department. The borough intends to use the property to develop a municipal complex that will allow for better collaboration between police, fire, administration, planning and recreational departments.

The existing structures will be repurposed with additions, including garage bays.

Emmaus hopes to have its borough hall moved into the main building by fall 2016. The rest of its departments will be moved in over the next several years as existing buildings are sold to pay for the progress on the next phases of the project, according to the borough manager.

“We're thrilled that the original headquarters, which we have long outgrown, will become the new home of the borough of Emmaus,” said a spokesperson for Rodale.

Cindy McDonnell Feinberg, of Feinberg Real Estate Advisors LLC, and KW Commercial represented Emmaus. Jane Schiff of The Frederick Group represented Rodale in the transaction.

Source: LVB

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