Title: An Act amending the act of November 10, 1999 (P.L.491, No.45), known as
the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, in adoption and enforcement by
municipalities, further providing for administration and enforcement.
Sponsor: Representative HEFFLEY
Action: Referred to LABOR AND INDUSTRY, March 13, 2015
Posted: March 10, 2015 02:34 PM
From: Representative
Doyle Heffley
To: All House
Subject: Heffley - Amending PA Uniform Construction Code
I recently introduced legislation that would amend the PA
Construction Code Act (Act 45 of 1999) to require that municipalities which
utilize a private third-party agency to enforce the Uniform Construction Code
contract with at least two or more such entities to provide inspection
services. The purpose of this legislation
is to ensure property owners in such municipalities have a choice of where to
obtain code enforcement services.
Attached is the legislation with a few technical changes
to the language of the original legislation that was circulated (HB 734).
I strongly believe this legislation is supported by the
general public and will provide much needed reform to protect individual
property owners from abuse.
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