Friday, March 7, 2014

Philadelphia Principals Asked To Take Deep Pay Cuts

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Philadelphia principals tonight heard about the serious givebacks included in their tentative contract agreement with the financially-struggling school district (See Previous Story).

The deal calls for principals to be paid as 10-month instead of 12-month employees, and to begin paying health care premiums.   Members of the Commonwealth Association of School Administrators heard about the tentative agreement during a two-hour closed-door meeting at Lincoln High.

“The majority of the bargaining unit would be conceding 15 to 17 percent of their annual salary, plus making contributions towards their health care,” Union president Rob McGrogan said.

The 500 members will vote by mail, with ballots counted March 17th.  McGrogan says he believes if members reject the deal, the School Reform Commission will test its powers to impose terms.  That’s something that concerns laid-off assistant principal Judy Haughton.

“The truth is, I think the fear is that we don’t know what could be imposed on us,” Haughton said.

The cash-strapped school district is demanding $133 million in concessions from its labor unions.

With the principals deciding on concessions, all eyes turn to the teachers union.  Philadelphia Federation of Teachers president Jerry Jordan had no comment on the CASA agreement.

Source: CBS Philly

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