Thursday, December 5, 2013


Understandably, confidential labor matters that happen within your private organization should always remain private and within your organization, not the subject of a broader and open industry discussion.  Unfortunately, given the current structure and environment within the industry, the potential for your confidential labor matter to become part of a larger industry discussion is highly probable.  With employer’s contributing upwards of $0.30 per hour worked towards regional employer industry funds that were created for the purpose of providing industry & labor relation’s support, you should expect more from your employer association.  Employer confidence and confidentiality must be more than a promise, it must be assured.  Your business and livelihood depend on it. GMCS has built a reputation based on that belief.

Because GMCS contracted labor relations support for regional construction employer associations and their membership is provided by a third party administrator, your information remains confidential.  Gone are the days when employers attempted to resolve complex labor matters independently and alone, for fear of having an internal matter made public to their peers and competitors in the industry.  Construction contractors can now receive professional, trusted, confidential labor relations support while their employer associations receive informative blind summaries of industry matters on a monthly basis, along with annual summaries of regional labor matters.  These detailed blind summaries enable our employer associations to effectively prepare for regional negotiations on the behalf of the association’s signatories by providing data specific to developing useful, meaningful proposals at the negotiating table.  

Regional association executives already understand the importance of contractor confidence and confidentiality in these matters and strive to maintain it.  However, at times, it simply isn’t realistic.   GMCS protects associations and their executives by providing blind, summary reports of regional matters further providing a level of separation further limiting their exposure to additional liability.

GMCS brings a tangible, value added proposal to your association that enables an association’s membership to gain unlimited access to professional, confidential labor relation’s support from an industry recognized labor relation’s professional. GMCS has served the needs of the Philadelphia metropolitan marketplace’s commercial construction contractors since 2005 and have earned a reputation for protecting our client’s confidentiality while successfully working towards resolution on labor matters.

Confidential, third party contracted Labor Relation’s Support Services provided through your association is a new solution to an age old industry wide problem.  It’s not just good for the contractor, it’s good for the association and it’s good for the industry.
Contact Wayne Gregory at today to learn how you can start to position your association and membership to take advantage of this trusted, beneficial, industry service.

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