THERE ARE 96 acres of prime real estate hiding in plain
sight in the middle of our resurgent city. We scuttle past them every day by
car or train. In a land-rich city like Philadelphia, it is often hard to see
the treasures lying just beneath our feet.
I'm talking about the rail yards at 30th Street.
Bounded by the Schuylkill on the east, JFK Boulevard on the
south, 32nd Street to the west and Spring Garden Street to the north, the rail
yards are the most significant piece of real estate in the city. The parcel
sits astride the booming high-tech education-and-medicine hub of University
City and the ready-to-pop potential energy of West Market Street. Falling more
than 80 feet in elevation from Powelton Village to the river, the site
accommodates Amtrak's Northeast Corridor, the Penn Coach Yards (a service yard
for the railroad) and SEPTA's Regional Rail tracks.
This dusty, noisy, obstructed remnant of the industrial age
is poised to be reimagined. Amtrak, along with Drexel University, Brandywine Realty
Trust and other partners, will receive bids Monday from professional teams
vying to prepare a master plan for the rail yards and environs. They are to be
applauded for tackling this project.
With my planning students at PennDesign, we studied the potential
for this area in 2011. The site and its immediate surroundings can suture the
chasm between University City and Center City with a seamless stretch of urban
development and open spaces. Achieving a first-class work of urbanism at the
rail yards will not be easy. To do it well, we will need to think long term and
visionary, as there will be many hurdles.
Here are some of the challenges and opportunities that the
site presents:
* The planning must be driven by the highest urban-design
standards and aspirations. We cannot settle for second-rate urbanism here. This
means not only world-class architecture but world-class public spaces, public
art, cultural institutions and programs. We should look to HafenCity in
Hamburg, Germany, to see how we can turn former industrial zones into smart,
sophisticated, transit-friendly urban development. That project just received
the Urban Land Institute's prestigious Global Award for Excellence.
* We cannot be afraid to confront big, hairy infrastructure
challenges. These include sinking the Regional Rail lines, decking over
Amtrak's Northeast Corridor and cutting through the ganglia of highway
infrastructure that engirdles the site on the east.
Look to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade along the East River
atop the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway for inspiration. The contorted hump over
the Vine Street Expressway has got to go. It also means creating a new regional
rail station at 22nd Street and JFK to unleash West Market Street's potential.
* We must create great public central-gathering spaces like
the heralded new King's Cross Square in London. A welcoming new plaza between
the Bulletin Building and the station stretching from Market Street to JFK
would serve as an entrance to a 21st-century transit hub drawing the
Market-Frankford El, Amtrak and Regional Rail lines into one elegant station.
This new square would harness the creative place-making energy of the
University City District's successful Porch at 30th Street Station project.
* And thinking beyond the site, we must connect to the Ben
Franklin Parkway and its neighborhoods with graceful pedestrian bridges like
the lovely Three Bridges of the Borneo Sporenburg project in Amsterdam. What
the rail yard needs is a vision. What should this part of the city look like?
How do we express our early 21st-century urban values in city building? What
risks will we take to ensure that the site will become an irreplaceable legacy
asset to future generations - attracting people and capital to the city in
Philadelphia hasn't attempted anything on this scale of
engineering and city building since the completion of the Center City Commuter
Tunnel in 1984. In a city that brought you the incomparable Fairmount Park
(East and West Park plus the Wissahickon) beginning in 1844 and the majestic
Ben Franklin Parkway, which celebrates its centennial in 2017, will this
project be our gift to the 22nd century?
Harris M. Steinberg is the executive director of PennPraxis
at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Design.
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