Monday, November 25, 2013

Annual Wage Gains Likely to Change Little, if Any, WTI Says

Arlington, Va. (Nov. 19, 2013) — U.S. workers in the private sector likely will experience only incremental changes, if any, in the pace of annual wage gains in the coming months, according to the preliminary fourth-quarter Wage Trend Indicator™ released today by Bloomberg BNA, a leading publisher of specialized news and information.

The index held steady at 98.70 (second quarter 1976 = 100), matching the third-quarter reading of 98.70. For the past two and a half years, the WTI has fluctuated within a narrow range from 98.47 to 98.75, showing no clear upward or downward trend.

“The labor market is still showing positive momentum, but we're not drawing down our pool of unemployed workers very quickly,” economist Kathryn Kobe, a consultant who maintains and helped develop Bloomberg BNA’s WTI database, said. Private sector wage growth in the coming months is expected to remain close to the second-quarter rate of 1.9 percent year-over-year, as reported by the Department of Labor.

Reflecting mixed economic conditions, two of the WTI's seven components made positive contributions to the preliminary fourth-quarter reading, while three factors were negative and two had a neutral impact.


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