Friday, October 25, 2013

Jersey City delays introduction of ordinances for $600 million Journal Square development project

Jersey City has delayed introduction of ordinances which would create a 35-year tax abatement and issue a $10 million bond for infrastructure improvements in the area of a proposed $600 million, three-tower residential project that will transform Journal Square.

“There has been some delay to finalize the ordinance to ensure it was fully prepared for the Local Finance Board,” Jersey City Corporate Council Jeremy Farrell told council members of the three ordinances related the development project which were to have their first reading at tonight’s council meeting.

Farrell said Mayor Steven Fulop’s administration also wants to first “meet with the Friends of the Loew’s Theatre because the ordinance includes a $2.5 million contribution to the (Landmark) Loew’s (Jersey Theatre) which will be held in trust and we are committed to assuring Loew’s management that it will be a first-class place, a world-class place.”

The ordinances related to the development are now to be introduced at a special meeting on Oct. 31 at 9 a.m. in the City Council chambers on Grove Street.

The deal is the first market-rate project since Fulop implemented a new policy regarding the tax breaks he says will encourage development in areas outside the already lucrative waterfront.

Construction of the $240 million first tower, which will rise 54 stories and include 540 rental units and ground floor retail space is expected to take two years to complete. Farrell assured council members that the project will remain on track for a December groundbreaking.

The project is slated for a 2.5-acre lot at the northwest corner of Summit and Magnolia avenues. The developer has pledged to make improvements to the sewer lines and sidewalks, as well as creating and maintaining a new public plaza on the eastern side of the Journal Square PATH station. The developer has received $33 million in state tax credits for the first tower.

In addition, the developer will give $2.8 million to build affordable housing in the city. The $10 million in bonds will be issued by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency, but city officials say the developer will be tasked with paying them back.

Also last night the council adopted an ordinance the city says will revamp and streamline the way it works with filmmakers, making it a "premier destination" for New Jersey film productions and bringing tens of millions of dollars in revenue to local businesses.

Former Jersey City mayoral candidate Abul Malik, Hudson County journalist Pat O'Melia and a city photographer all expressed concerns that the film production ordinance might have the unintended effect of impacting the work of journalists, independent photographers, and amateur or small scale film and videographers.

“I have to apply 14 days ahead of time if I want to use three cameras? Come on,” O’Melia told council members, adding that he feared police might use the law in a way that would hinder journalism. “They say the devil’s in the details - there a lot of devils in here. I’m not even sure if this applies indoors or outdoors. There’s a lot of holes in this.”

O’Melia and Malik asked that the filming ordinance be tabled for further consideration, but the council adopted it unanimously tonight, saying it would have no impact on the areas of concern raised and pertains only to large-scale productions.

Councilman Richard Boggiano suggested that those worried by the ordinance should sit down with a Fulop aide and discuss it. He and Councilman Michael Yun said the ordinance should be amended if there is a danger of unintended consequences.


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