Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Phila. waterfront: Where high-rise dreams go to die

In 2007, there were plans to built a veritable condominium kingdom
In the fall of 2007, just before Michael Nutter was elected mayor and the real estate market slumped, PlanPhilly reported on development plans that, if all built as proposed, would have added more than five thousand condominium units to the Central Delaware waterfront. Those plans ranged in scale from ambitious to dreamy, and since that piece was published, no new condos have been built on the waterfront. Only a few of the proposals are even still on the table.
In the meantime, the city completed waterfront visioning and master planning processes that culminated in the passage in June of a zoning overlay for the Central Delaware. That overlay includes a height limit of 100 feet for all waterfront development, with exceptions for projects that provide public amenities. Virtually all of the proposals for waterfront development in 2007 would have built higher than 100 feet, and the guideline is a sore point with some developers still.
Following the link will give you a look at what happened to some of those 2007 proposals, as well as a brief description of some current waterfront proposals.  Go here…

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